Vibrations from Construction Sites
Projects 2018
Drei Könige, Witten
Evidence-preservation measurements in surrounding buildings of a large construction site during soil compaction works.
Projects 2017
Diverse railway overbridges
Expert investigation of the vibrations due to construction works of more than 20 railway overbridges.
Bank of Tokyo, Düsseldorf
Vibration monitoring during demolition works of the adjacent building.
Aldi Süd, Mülheim
Vibration monitoring in the data centre during construction works.
Appartment building in Delmenhorst
Vibration measurements during demolition works.
Projects 2016
Research Project EProg
Development of an experts system for exact vibration prognosis concerning road and canal works. Research project in cooperation with the Magdeburg Stendal University. The project is government-funded within the ZIM programme.
WuH Lengerich
Vibration Monitoring in the data processing centre during 6 month with deconstruction works within short distance to the servers.
Monitoring, Soest
Vibration monitoring during deconstruction and foundation works. Vibrations were measured and evaluated for two neighbouring residential buildings.
Aachen Schanz, Station Renewal
Vibration study on the influence of platform construction works on the adjacent buildings.
Johs. Stelten GmbH & Co. KG
Monitoring of vibrations for five weeks to determine the cause of cracks in a storage building.
Seehaslinie at Lake Constance, Station Renewal
Investigation of vibrations during construction works on several stations of the railway track 4250.
Munich, Station Renewal
Investigation of vibrations during construction works on several stations of the railway track 5600.
Railway track Frankfurt-Eschhofen
Investigation of vibrations during construction works for slope stabilisation near the railway track 6310.
Projects 2015
Deutschlandradio Funkhaus Köln
Definition of alarm trigger values for vibration immissions affecting server systems. Assessment of vibrations in the data processing centre due to deconstruction and blasting works.
Ruhr Universität Bochum
Vibration Monitoring in the data processing centre, building IC, during 8 month with deconstruction and earthworks.
Projects 2014
Residential Building, Ennepetal
Vibration monitoring during construction works in a nearby residential building and assessment of the immissions.
Hafentunnel Cherbourger Straße, Bremerhaven
Measurements during steel piling works in a day-care centre near the building site.
Monitoring of vibration immissions on a pipeline during construction works for Mercaden in Dorsten.
Saalbau (Hall) Building, Recklinghausen
Vibration monitoring in neighbouring residential buildings during the deconstruction of the Saalbau (hall) building in Recklinghausen.
Projects 2013
BERICAP Location in Mainz
Dynamic investigation of the influence of construction site vibrations on adjacent server rooms.
HKM Duisburg
Monitoring of vibration immissions during constructuion works for the extension of a coking plant.
Deconstruction of "Glückauf" School, Dinslaken
Vibration measurements in neighbouring residential buildings during deconstructions works.
J. Bauer GmbH & Co. KG, Wasserburg am Inn
Measurements and dynamic investigation to estimate the vibrations in a dairy company's computing centre due construction works nearby.
Viessmann VN, Dresden
Vibration monitoring in the Advanced Mask Technology Center (AMTC), Dresden.
Straßen NRW, BAB A448 Road Tunnel, Bochum
Vibration Measurements in residential buildings during construction works in the road tunnel below.
Projects in 2012
DLR Köln
Measurements and assessment of vibrations in a research building including laboratories and offices due to deconstruction works nearby.
Culvert Construction in Castrop-Rauxel
Vibration investigation for the planned deconstruction of a culvert construction in Castrop-Rauxel.
District heating pipeline, Dresden
Evaluation of structural dynamics concomitant to the construction of a new district heating pipeline. Vibration prognosis by calculation and assessment of the expected immissions in the neighbouring Infineon buildings.
BLB Dortmund, New building for the University Dortmund
Prognosis and evaluation of vibration immissions in the nearest buildings due to construction works.
Flood Control Measures Weserbahnhof Bremen
New construction of a quay wall and a flood control wall as replacement for the existing structure. Vibration evaluation of the expected imissions due to the construction work, vibration devices and pile hammers in particular.
Projects in 2011
New Motel One in Düsseldorf
Monitoring of vibrations in a neighbouring building during the deconstruction of existing buildings on the land plot where the new Motel One is going to be built.
New gas pipeline near Bremen
Investigation of vibration effects due to an new construction of a gas pipeline on several neighbouring buildings.
Deconstruction and new construction of a shopping mall in Dorsten
Working area concept for both deconstruction and new construction of a shopping mall in Dorsten. Evaluation of vibration immissions due to construction works and its effects on a pipeline and a neighbouring building.
Deconstruction of a Hochbunker in Hagen Haspe
Measurements and monitoring of vibrations in a neighbouring residential building during the deconstruction of a Hochbunker.
Projects in 2010
BLB Bielefeld, New ENUS Building of University Bielefeld
Assessment of vibrations due to construction site operations at the new ENUS building to ensure the undisturbed use of sensitive equipment in existing university buildings.
PSW Atdorf, Expert Report for ROV
Assessment of structural dynamics for the regional planning process.
Paulusanger, Recklinghausen
Monitoring of vibrations in neighbouring buildings during 9 months of site preparing operations on "Paulusanger" site.
AG Technikum Holz, Dresden
Prognosis and proving measurements for the evaluation of site operation vibrations and their effects on a semiconductor fab.
ENUS, University Bielefeld
Assessment of vibration effects on neighbouring university laboratories due to building site operations. Prognosis of vibrations and development of a working area concept for site operations to minimize vibrations.
Heinrich-Heine-Allee 12, Düsseldorf
Monitoring according to DIN 4150 during 14 month of demolition and pit lining works.
Marienplatz-Galerie, Schwerin
Development of a site operation concept optimised for minimal vibration emission. Monitoring of vibrations in two buildings registered as historical monuments for 6 month while demolition works and earthwork operations took place nearby.
Bauhof Brake
Vibration prognosis, assessment and monitoring for quality assurance during site operations for a new bank wall.
Projects in 2009
New flood protection, Bremen
Monitoring of vibrations for 4 weeks during pit lining for a new floodwall.
Expert report: Sparkasse, Witten
Preliminary enquiries concerning the effects of vibrations caused by refurbishment.
Expert report: Isartor, Munich
Preliminary enquiries concerning refurbishment vibrations in a data centre within the same building.
Assessment of building site vibrations: Castrop Rauxel
Vibration measurements in neighbouring buildings to shafts of the former Graf Schwerin 1|2 mining facility during compaction works and earthworks. Evaluation of vibrations according to DIN 4150 part 2 and 3.
Projects before 2009
Monitoring in a semiconductor fab, Dortmund (2007)
Spectral Monitoring of vibrations recording the frequency range. Working area concept for different road work machines minimising vibrations during construction phase of a motorway.
Museum Linden Stuttgart (2007)
Definition of vibration limit values for a museum and vibration monitoring.
Bochum (2007)
Measurement of vibrations caused by sheet piling. Assessment of vibration effects on a neighbouring building according to DIN 4150 part 3
Dortmund (2007)
Prognosis of vibrations due to compaction of a bulk earth wall.
City harbour Recklinghausen (2007)
Remote monitoring with guide values according to DIN 4150 part 3.
DSK (2006)
Measurement of vibration propagation. Concept of working area for different compacting plants used for sewer construction. Assessment according to DIN 4150 part 3.
Boehringer Ingelheim, Dortmund (2006/07)
Analysis of site operation effects on highly vibration-sensitive instruments. Zoning of site operations, working schedule and concurrent monitoring.
Datteln (2006)
Vibration monitoring during sewer construction works.
Kaiserschleuse (lock) Bremerhaven (2006)
Detection of vibration propagation during pile driving. Examination of the lock building with focus on the sensivity of the structure and transmitting characteristics to the adjoining buildings. Prognosis of vibration emission level.
ALDI Süd-Zentrale, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr (2005)
Definition of limit values for vibrations in adjoining buildings. Monitoring of vibrations caused by sheet piling.
Semiconductor Fab, Dresden (2005)
Evaluation of vibration effects on a Semiconductor Fab (AMD maskmaking) during the laying of a 110 KV cable in bedrock.
Stadtwerke Dresden (2005)
Vibration measurements during constructuion operations and evaluation of their effects on a semiconductor Fab.
Siemens BT, Production Facility Berlin (2004)
Evaluation of vibration immissions due to construction operations affecting the production process.
Download references: Building Site Vibrations