Vibrations and Micro/Nanotechnology
Projects 2018
IHP, Frankfurt (Oder)
Preliminary studies for the extension of the clean room, dynamic design of the building, consulting and vibration monitoring in the existing building during the construction phase.
Bosch, Bangalore
Dimensioning of a ceiling slab for the installation of Pick & Place machines.
Projects 2017
Globalfoundries, Dresden
Dynamic conceptual design of a Fab extension, optimisation of the waffle slab (support grid, thickness, vibration criteria).
Huawei, Weilheim
Site evaluation (vibrations and magnetic fields) for a SEM.
Bosch, Dresden
Dynamic design of a semiconductor Fab:Preliminary measurements, dynamic conceptual design of the structure, concept of allowable construction equipment, consulting on the installation of pumps and building service devices, vibration monitoring in surrounding buildings during the construction phase.
IBS Precision Engineering, Eindhoven
Vibration measurements on a high precision measuring machine.
Infineon, Dresden
Site evaluation and vibration monitoring during internal construction works.
Carl Zeiss SMT, Oberkochen
Dynamic consulting for two extension buildings.
Measurement and analysis of the vibration immissions in a new building due to road traffic. Definition of vibration specifications for a vibration-sensitive device.
Texas Instruments TI, Freising
Consulting on extension and modification of the clean room for the installation of new steppers.
Avago Technologies GmbH
Vibration investigation of the installation site for lab equipment and offices.
Projects 2016
Infineon, Kulim
Acceptance measurements in the new Infineon FAB 2 in Malaysia, measurements of vibtrations on the waffle in the production area, support and testing. Measurements of structural stiffness, optimisation of the measures that have influence on vibrations (piperack, vibration isolation, decoupling).
ELI Beamline, Prag
Dynamic consulting and vibration measurements in the LASER building.
Infineon, Regensburg
Dynamic concept and dimensioning of the new extension building H17.
Projects 2015
Deutschlandradio, Köln
Dynamic concept for the deconstruction of a former broadcasting building. Determination of vibration limit values for the IT equipment of the neighbouring broadcasting studios of Deutschlandradio in Cologne.
STRABAG Campus, Köln
Investigation of Vibrations due to rail traffic concerning the data processing centre and the new office building.
Preh GmbH
Investigation of slab vibrations induced by SIPLACE Pick and Place devices. Development of improving measures.
Boehringer Ingelheim MicroParts GmbH
Monitoring of vibrations during the construction progress in the adjoining production area of new Modul 3.
NTNU NanoLab Chemistry Building, Trondheim
Dynamic design of a pedestal for an Elionix ELS-G100 Ebeam.
OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH, Regensburg
Vibration measurements in the existing building and on the ground. Dynamic conception and FEM modelling for the new building 34.
Novaled, Dresden
Location evaluation for a new building with vibration sensitive equipment.
Projects 2014
Landeskriminalamt Sachsen, Dresden
Investigation of ground vibtations for the installation of vibration sensitive tools in the planned LKA building. Consulting for the foundation design of the planned building.
X-FAB in Dresden
Vibration study for a planned relocation of CMP tools.
Infineon, Villach
Consulting for protection of an existing cleanroom building with running production against building site vibrations.
AMS, Graz, Austria
Vibation measurements on a waffle table. Pedestal design and QE maesurements after installation.
Infineon, Warstein
Vibration Investigation for the placement of a vibration testing plant for reliability testing.
IHP Frankfurt (Oder)
QE measurements on site for the installation of a KLA Tencor Archer 100.
Infineon, Dresden
Assessment of building site vibrations on the nearby located clean room buildung.
Projects 2013
Infineon, Dresden
Location evaluation for a Hitachi SEM.
IHP Frankfurt (Oder)
Preliminary investigation for the placement of a KLA Tencor Archer 100 tool.
Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Freital GmbH (TGF), Freital
Messtechnische Flächenevaluierung der zukünftigen Reinraumflächen im Neubau des TGF.
EADS, Pullach (Isartal)
Dynamical conception of a buildings structure including optimisation of the foudation for vibration sensitive laborarory usage.
LamResearch Villach, Austria
Site evaluation for a KLA 2365 Wafer Inspection System and a Hitachi SEM.
Vishay Siliconix Itzehoe GmbH
Vibration study for the placement of vibration sensitive tools (ASML Stepper and Nikon Scanner) in the existing cleanroom.
Vishay Siliconix Itzehoe GmbH
Dynamic investigation and design for the placement of a heat pump on the builings roof.
WITec Ulm
Vibration measurement as conservation of evidence in advance of constructions works near an existing building with vibration sensitive usage.
Projects 2012
Texas Instruments, Freising
Dynamic Investigation for Nikon scanners SNC01 and SNC02.
IHP Frankfurt (Oder)
Site evaluation and foundation design for a Nikon Stepper.
Projects in 2011
AEMtec GmbH Berlin, new production building in Berlin Adlershof
Site evaluation and concept of structural dynamics for the new production building at the location in Berlin.
Elmos Semiconductor AG, Dortmund
Dynamic Evaluation of a new laboratory area for a SEM concerning vibration and EMI immissions including a reference measurement in an existing SEM Labratory.
LEICA Portugal
Site evaluation for a new production building.
First Sensor, Berlin
Vibration measurement and evaluation of an installation area for a Nikon Stepper.
Semiconductor FAB, Global Foundries Abu Dhabi
Conceptual design of the new semiconductor fab.
Zeiss SMT, Oberkochen
Dynamic consulting concerning the planned annex.
Hitachi High-Technologies Europe GmbH, Dresden
Site evaluation of an existing clean room including measurements of vibrations, sound, EMI and temperature.
Infineon Villach
Dynamic conceptual design of the new annex.
Projects in 2010
Infineon, Dresden
Erschütterungstechnische Untersuchung und Fundamentdesign für die Aufstellung einer Mikrowaage für Wafer.
Carl Zeiss SMS, Vibration measurements in Japan
Site evaluation concerning vibrations and structural dynamics for the installation of an Photomask Registration and Overlay Metrology System.
FAB – Construction, Global Foundries Dresden: Modul 1, Annex
Conceptual Design of the new cleanroom for the defined vibration level.
X-FAB in Dresden
Vibration measurements for the evaluation of the installation conditions of two SEM. Development of an installation concept for future installation of vibration sensitive equipment in the clean room.
Bosch Solar Energy AG, Arnstadt
Evaluation of structural dynamics of the installation area for a Zeiss measuring machine.
Schneider GmbH & Co. KG
High-precision Grindery, Dynamic dimensioning of the ultra-high precision area.
Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden
Dynamic design of a special foundation for a new LT STM tool and acceptance measurement.
Texas Instruments Germany, Munich
Site evaluation and foundation measurements for Nikon Scanners.
Projects before 2010
IBS Precision Engineering, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (2009)
Investigation of structural dynamics and consulting during planning stages.
Semiconductor FAB Qimonda, Singapur (2008)
Dynamic conceptual design and construction dimensioning for a semiconductor fab with precision fabrication up to 45 nm. Measurement of subsoil vibration level and stiffness, subsequent FEM Analysis.
Carl Zeiss SMS GmbH, Jena (2008)
Vibration investigation for the extension of the production area.
Boehringer Ingelheim Microparts, Dortmund (2006)
Dynamic analysis of existing structure and conceptual design for new annex.
Semiconductor FAB for fabrication of 45 nm Structures, New York, USA (2007)
Dynamic conceptual design of the new building and consulting for 45 nm fabrication.
Reconstruction of Semiconductor FAB Mikron Zelenograd, Moskow (2006)
Evaluation of the location for reconstruction of the cleanroom and use of new technologies.
Elmos Semiconductor AG, Dortmund, (2004)
New construction of the 4. section of the construction (Semiconductor FAB for micro structures). Dimensioning of a wafer table concerning structural dynamics. Conceptual design of vibration isolation against vibrations from the motorway nearby.
Infineon, Power FAB, Kulim, Malaysia (2003/04)
Conceptual dynamic design and dimensioning of the new semiconductor FAB construction, measurements and FEM Analysis. Acceptance certification on site and final control measurement.
Carl Zeiss SMT AG, Oberkochen (2003)
Measurements and conseptual dynamic design. Dimensioning of special foundation preventing transmission of vibrations from a nearby road.
Infineon Headquarters Campeon (2003)
Consulting and dynamic dimensioning of new cleanrooms with high requirements.
AMD, Dresden, New ATPC building(2001)
Consulting for structural dynamics of the new building. Measurements and calculation of vibrations for the dimensioning of the construction of 90 nm structure fabrication.
AMTC Advanced Mask Technology Centre (AMD, Qimonda, Toppan), Dresden (2001)
Conceptual dynamic design of the new construction including measurements, calculation and prognosis.
AMS Austria Micro Systems, Graz, Austria (2000)
Conceptual dynamic design of the new construction including measurements, calculation and prognosis. Vibration control dimensioning for the new construction against vibrations caused by a motorway.
This list of references containes selected projects and is not complete.
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