Vibrations in Hospitals
Projects 2018
Sana Klinikum, Offenbach, dismantling of building Q
Influence of the vibrations originated from the construction site on surrounding buildings and medical equipment.
Katharinenhospital Stuttgart
Measurement-based analysis of the influence of construction works on sensitive hospital equipment.
Projects 2017
Parent-child centre, Uniklinik Frankfurt
Analysis of the vibration due to railroad traffic and vibration-protective measures for a new clinical building.
Projects 2016
Euregio-Klinik Nordhorn
Vibration measurements during deconstruction and reconstruction works nearby. Monitoring of the radiation clinic an the CT area.
University Halle (Saale)
Evaluation of laboratory areas in the new modular buildung of the psychiatric clinic. Further measurements and investigations concerning the placement of vibration sensitive devices of the medical microbiology.
Projects 2015
St. Martinus Hospital, Olpe
Measurement and evaluation of slab vibrations due to industrial clothes washers.
Sana Klinikum, Offenbach
Evaluation of the effects of construction works on the neighbouring healthcare centre with medical equipment.
MK 2 Kurfürstenanlage, Heidelberg
Dynamic investigation für the installation of microscopes for ophthalmic clinic in a healthcare centre.
Former Hertie Building, Lünen
Conversion of a former commercial building to a residential and commercial building. Dynamic investigation for the installation of a microscope in the ophthalmic clinic.
Projects in 2013
Hospital St. Elisabeth Ravensburg
Vibration study on the influence of construction site works on an adjacent building with medical use.
Projects in 2012
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH), Campus Lübeck
Site evaluation for the installation of an MRI scanner in the new CBBM building.
Projects in 2011
New Construction of ZIM / ZOM at Klinikum Stuttgart
Vibration measurement and development of a site operation concept to ensure an undisturbed use of sensitive equipment and to keep high comfort for patient treatment.
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg
Evaluation of possible dynamic effects on existing building caused by the planned new tram route.