Traffic Vibrations
Projects 2018
ABS Karlsruhe-Stuttgart-Nürnberg-Leipzig/Dresden, 2nd phase ESTW-A Gößnitz: Sections 3+4
Vibration analysis in the context of project planning.
Stuttgart 21
Feasibility study and variant analysis of different isolation measures for a suburban rail track.
Projects 2017
ABS Karlsruhe-Stuttgart-Nürnberg-Leipzig/Dresden, 2nd phase ESTW-A Gößnitz: Section 2 (Station Gößnitz)
Vibration analysis in the context of project planning.
Rail Connection of Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link
Measurement-based determining of the wave propagation properties of the soil using DYNPACT®.
Projects 2016
Stuttgart 21
Dimensioning of different Mass Spring Systems for the project Stuttgart 21 (new main station below ground). FEM Analysis including variation of mass, track stiffness and geometric parameters. Optimisation of the bearing positions and calculation of the transition to other systems. Determination of natural frequencies and deformation. Serviceability check of the elastic bearings.
Pforzheim Tunnel
Preliminary dynamic design of a light mass spring system in the tunnel.
Station Mettmann-Stadtwald
Investigation and assessment of vibration imissions due to construction works for storage sidings near Mettmann-Stadtwald station.
Projects 2015
ABS Kaldenkirchen-Dülken
Investigation and assessment of vibration imissions in preliminary planning due to construction works for a double track line.
ABS Oldenburg-Wilhelmshaven
Measurement of pass-by vibrations caused by trains on 80 measuring sites within the city area of Oldenburg. Synchronised recording of pass-by velocity using radar devices and video recording for the purpose of identifying different train types.
Underground Railway Line U3, Berlin
Investigation by measurement and evaluation of vibrations and secondary airborne noise in neighbouring houses.
Underground Railway Line U8, Berlin
Investigation by measurement and evaluation of vibrations and secondary airborne noise.
Projects 2014
ABS Oldenburg-Wilhelmshaven
Vibration measurements in several buildings as an adequate sample after start of rail service on the 25 km long section of the line. Assessment of new vibration immission data caused by trains.
EÜ Königsstraße, Hannover
Preliminary vibration study on the immissions in neighbouring buildings during track building works on a railway bridge.
Projects 2013
Bf Hamburg Altona
Vibration Prognosis in different cases of project planning. Following assistance during the permit procedures for the chosen planning layout.
ABS 4, Aachen Eilendorf, Eschweiler
Measurement and Prognosis of vibrations and secondary airborne sound.
Wehrhahnlinie, Düsseldorf
QA measurements and testing of insertion loss of a mass spring system inside the new built Wehrhahnlinie underground tunnel.
Projects 2012
Research Projekt RIVAS
Measurement of the insertion loss of elastic sleeper pads on track and in the testing area using the shaker Butterfly® as an artificial excitation. The investigation is part of the research project RIVAS (Induced Vibration Abatement Solutions).
Katzenberg Tunnel
QA measurements and verification of the insertion loss of the mass-spring-system in the new Katzenberg Tunnel.
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Tunnel, Koblenz-Perl
Dynamic dimensioning of the mass-spring-system in the tunnel.
Underground Railway Lines U5 and U6, Berlin
Feasibility Study for a mass-spring-system for the new U5 and U6 lines in Berlin.
Underground Railway Line U3, Berlin
Investigation by measurement and evaluation of vibrations and secondary airborne noise.
New Motel One, Cologne
Prognosis of vibrations and secondary airborne noise due to underground railway traffic. Evaluation of structural dynamics of the planned foundation for the new Motel One building in Cologne.
Vibration Prognosis for a new building in Hilden
Prognosis and assessment of vibrations due to rail traffic for a new office and commercial building planned near the railway track.
Projects in 2011
DB Research Project, Rail Line Berlin–Cottbus
In-situ testing with vibration exciter (Dynpact®) and trains to verify the efficacy of vibration isolating sleeper pads.
Katzenberg Tunnel
Vibration prognosis and dimensioning of a mass spring system in the new Katzenberg Tunnel.
Vibration Prognosis for a new building in Cologne
Measurement and prognosis of vibrations caused by freight trains in an existing building which is to be replaced by a new apartment building.
Holbeinviertel, Frankfurt am Main
Evaluation of vibrations caused by trains in the so-called "Holbeiviertel" in Frankfurt/Main for the new development plan.
Eisenbahn Knoten Halle, DB Halle an der Saale
Vibration investigation to prepare the planning permission process for all 5 planning sections. Vibration measurement, prognosis and assessment of vibrations and secondary airborne noise.
DB Research Project, Cologne
In-situ testing with vibration exciter (Dynpact®) and trains to verify the efficacy of vibration isolating sleeper pads.
Projects in 2010
Spectral Dynamic Force Density of „Siemens Combino“
Determination of the Spectral Dynamic Force Density of the tram type „Siemens Combino Classic Straba“ in Erfurt. Vibration prognosis according to FTA Report (FTA-VA-90-1003-06).
Luxtram, Luxembourg
Dimensioning of vibration isolation for an approximately 10 km long new tram track through Luxembourg city.
Rhein-Ruhr-Express, DB project
Preliminary enquiries in preparation of the planning permission process for all sections between Cologne and Dortmund. Vibration Measurements during 20,000 train passages at 120 measurement section locations.
ABS 46/2 Betuwe Line
Vibration investigation of 48 km rail track as part of the planning permission procedure. Measurement and prognosis of vibrations and secondary airborne noise. Examination of vibration-sensivity of about 100 buildings. Dimensioning of vibration isolation measures.
Projects before 2010
Transhipment Station Hamburg Billwerder (2009)
Vibration measurement and prognosis for the planning permission procedure of a third new container transhipment terminal.
Erdinger Ringschluss Los 1–4 (2008)
Analysis and prognosis of vibrations and secondary airborne noise for the planning permission procedure. Dimesioning of vibration reducing measures.
Dresdener Verkehrsbetriebe (2008)
Vibration analysis with different track superstructures and standardised excitation. Determination of the transfer admittance.
TTY Airport MRT Line Taiwan (2006–2008)
Dynamic design of a 52 km long rail track with a total of 10 km of vibration isolation.
Liliencarree Wiesbaden (2003–2007)
Vibration investigation and prognosis for road traffic exitation.
North-South Rail Link, Berlin (2001–2007)
Dynamic design and dimensioning of a mass spring system for 15 km of the track bed.
Measurement of the transfer admittance of the tunnel and acceptance measurements. -
Transrapid Research Programme (2003–2007)
Preliminary enqiries for the Transrapid track.
Underground U 55, Köln Hürth(2007)
Prognosis of vibrations in Köln Hürth to prepare the planning permission.
Rail connection MSB Main Station–Airport, Munich (2005/06)
Preliminary enqiries for the Transrapid route.
Underground U306, Bochum (2003–2006)
Dynamic design of a 7 Hz mass-spring-system for the underground track of line U306.
Students' Hall of Residence, Stuttgart (2006)
Vibration detection and prognosis for a Students' Hall of Residence located adjacent to a double tram track.
Forum Duisburg (2005)
Vibration measurement and prognosis for a building complex containing offices and a shopping mall close to an underground line.
Housing Estate Erdbeerfeld, Dortmund (2001–2005)
Vibration investigation and prognosis.
High Speed Line in Taiwan (2003)
Calculation of rail strain in switches.
RWE Gas Tower, Dortmund (2003)
Examination and evaluation of vibrations according to DIN 4150 for a new skyscaper nearby an underground line.
Rail connection Cologne–Bonn (2000–2003)
Dynamic design of a 7 Hz mass-spring-system for the high speed (ICE) track.
Stuttgart 21 (2003)
Dynamic design of a 6 Hz mass-spring-system for the planned new underground main station.
Metrorapid Los 3 (2002/03)
Vibration measurements for preserving evidence and calculating the minimum immissions to be expected as part of the planning permission process.
Underground U2 Berlin (2001)
Vibration and noise measurements for preserving evidence.
Underground U2 Berlin, section of Märkisches Ufer (1998)
Dimensioning of a mass-spring-system and ballast mats. Inspection and quality assurance of both vibration isolation systems.
This list of references contains selected projects and is not complete.
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