Low Vibration Stands
Projects 2017
AMS, Graz, Austria
Vibration measurements on the waffle slab, design of several stands and quality control measurements.
Jenoptik Diode Lab, Berlin
Site evaluation for a stepper and design of the pedestal.
Siemens AG, Berlin
Design and construction drawings of a pedestal for a robot.
Projects 2015
AMTC, Dresden
Design and construction drawings of several stands.
Projects 2014
Global Foundries
Design and construction drawings of several stands.
ISIT Fraunhofer Itzehoe
Stands for a new clean room at Fraunhofer ISIT, Itzehoe.
Dr. Johannes Heidenhain, Traunreut
Pedestals for pick and place tools in modular design for Dr. Johannes Heidenhain, Traunreut.
AMTC, Dresden
Pedestal for an E-Beam, inspection tools, SEM and other devices at AMTC (Advanced Mask Technology Center).
ENAS Fraunhofer Chemnitz
Stands for an E-Beam tool at ENAS, Fraunhofer Chemnitz.
Bosch, Reutlingen
Design und construction drawings of a stand for an implanter.
Elmos Semiconductor AG, Dortmund
Dynamic design and acceptance measurement of a pedestal for a new Nikon Stepper 14EX12 in clean room.
Projects 2013
Global Foundries
Design und construction drawing of several stands.
SIB Technikum Dresden
Dynamic design of several stands for vibration sensitive devices in the new Technikum Dresden building.
GmbH , Frankfurt (Oder)Preliminary investigation for the installation of an OVL-3 (KLA Tencor Archer 100).
Carl Zeiss SMT Group, Oberkochen
Design of the underframe of a granite plate for worktop mounting and several other stands.
Vishay Siliconix Itzehoe GmbH
Dynamic investigation of structural vibrations for the installation of a Scanners /Stepper.
Fritz-Haber-Institut Berlin
Stand design for a new PL laser laboratory at Fritz-Haber-Institut in Berlin.
AMTC Dresden
Design and construction drawings of 7 pedestals for vibration sensitive tools.
Projects in 2012
Global Foundries
Design und construction drawing of several stands.
Texas Instruments, Munich
Dynamic Investigation for Nikon scanners SNC 01 and SNC 02. Evaluation of the production area.
Peikert BMS GmbH
Conception of structural dynamics and stand design for the installation of Siemens Siplace SX1/SX2 devices in a Siemens building in Berlin.
Projects in 2011
Global Foundries
Pedestal for ASML Stepper STP1401 and several other stands.
GmbH , RaunheimFEM analysis and construction drawings for a foundation of a SEM DTU Jeol JBX900.
This list of references contains selected projects and is not complete.