Vibrations in Industrial Buildings
Projects 2017
WET Wuppertaler Edelstahltechnik
Vibration study and evaluation of the vibration immissions in a production building.
Endress und Hauser, Maulburg
Vibration analysis for the installation of machining centres on a ceiling slab.
Knipex, Wuppertal
Vibration measurements during the operation of a drop forge.
Höver und Sohn, Lindlar
Vibration analysis of a forge hammer.
DYNA-MESS, Stolberg
FE simulation and modal analysis of a testing machine.
Spenner Zement
Definition of vibration immission values for the operation of new grinding installations.
JuHa Kunststoffverarbeitung
Long-term measurements for the identification of vibration emissions.
Inovan GmbH & Co. KG, Standort Stolberg
Vibration analysis and evaluation of the immissions in a production building.
Projects 2016
Portlandzementwerk Wittekind Hugo Miebach Söhne KG, Erwitte
Vibration monitoring during two weeks to identify the vibration source.
Schoeller GmbH und Co KG, Standort Penig
Acceptance measurement in an annexe of the paper mill containing a gas turbine.
Tracto Technik GmbH, Lennestadt
Dynamic investigations to ensure the serviceability of a suspended ceiling in in a new storage building.
WILO SE, Dortmund
Vibration measurements in the existing building and on the ground. Dynamic design of new fabrication areas. Assessment of installation areas for machines in the existing halls.
Hexion GmbH, Iserlohn
Measurements of the emissions coming from a resin digester. Dynamic retrofitting concept for the building to install a new digester.
Remondis, Lünen
Measurement and assessment of vibration immissions in a new accumulator hall.
Troester, Hannover
Dynamic design of a foundation for a milling machine Taurus 30 concept of the new hall building for the production.
KSM Castings GmbH, Wuppertal
Vibration investigation and assessment of immission values in the offices and on the production spaces of the machinery hall.
COMPO Expert GmbH, Krefeld
Vibration measurements and investigation of a cross bridge in a storage building.
ASM München
Measuring and specification of slab stiffness on the production area for Siplace devices.
Projects 2015
Prinovis, Dresden
Investigation of vibrations in a offset printing plant.
KHD Humboldt Wedag GmbH
Vibration Measurements of the Roller Press Foundation.
MILEI GmbH, Leutkirch
Consulting and dynamic investigation for the foundation of a fluidised bed dryer.
Projects 2014
Spenner Zement, Werk Duisburg
Vibration investigation and monitoring near a new slag sand mill with attached mixing and loading station.
Aurubis GmbH, Lünen
Determination of dynamic forces on an in-door crane in Lünen during the typical working process.
Saint Gobain Rigips GmbH, Steinbruch Berneburg
Measurement and assessment of immission data collected in two buildings during blasting operations in a stone quarry in Berneburg.
Basalt AG, Steinbruch Imhausen
QE measurements to check the running vibration monitoring in several buildings during blasting operations in a stone quarry in Imhausen.
ASM München
Dynamic investigation for the installation of several SIPLACE pick and place tools.
Seepex, Bottrop
Vibration measurements in a new office building near a stone crusher.
Vestolit, Chemiepark Marl
Analysis and assessment of vibrations on a sifting plant.
Dipl.-Ing. Herwarth Reich GmbH, Bochum
Preliminary dynamic design of an security housing for a displacement test rig.
IDE GmbH, Raunheim
Measurements of vibration and structural stiffness on the raft foundation of the new hall 1.
GNS, Essen
Preliminary dimensioning of the foundation for a new drop tower test rig.
Projects 2013
WILD Westerweiterung, Eppelheim
Vibration measurements and analysis of the serviceability of production plant with automatic cutting presses.
Bosch, Madrid
Floor vibration study for the planned modification of a pick and place production line.
Saint Gobain Glass, Standort Köln Porz
Dynamic site evaluation for the extension of a magnetron device.
Märkisches Federnwerk KG, Lüdenscheid
Vibration analysis and optimisation for the reposition of a winch FUL45 in the existing buildung.
IBV Ingenieurgesellschaft, Marl
Vibration investigation of the anchoring of a cold pilger mill.
Teckentrup, Herscheid
Comparing vibration measurement of a press for the assessment of a cutting impact dampening.
ATA-Gears, Tampere, Finland
Vibration evaluation for the installation of a vibratory finishing mashine.
Moog Unna
Consulting during the planning procedure of a foundation for a test rig.
REXAM Ludesch, Austria
Preliminary investigation for the placement of bodymakers and other plants of the can production. Vibration prognosis and consulting services concerning the production requirements and a vibration isolation.
Projects 2012
Spenner Rheingold Duisburg
Vibration Isolation of a grinding plant for granulated blast furnace slag in Duisburg, Germany (for the company Spenner-Zement GmbH & Co. KG).
Conti TEMIC microelectronic GmbH, Ingolstadt
Vibration study for the extension of a Pick & Place line in a new building of Conti Temic microelectronic GmbH in Ingolstadt.
Andritz Kufferath GmbH, Düren
Vibration analysis of a weaving loom and office premises nearby.
DYNA-Mess, Stolberg (Rheinland)
Optimisation of an steel foundation for a 500 Hz testing machine with FEM analysis.
BMS , BerlinDynamic design of a foundation for a Siemens SIPLACE SX1/SX2 tool.
Projects 2011
Sandvik Materials Technologie, Ennepetal
Site evaluation for the installation of a laser table at the location in Ennepetal.
Tongs Forge, Wuppertal
Vibration investigation including measurements according to the german BImschG to allow night operation in the production area.
OBO Bettermann
Investigation of structural dynamics and dynamic design of two foundations for presses.
Water distribution system, Waterways and shipping office Rheine
Evaluation of vibration effects due to the water distribution system on the building (which is under preservation order) according to DIN 4150 part 3.
Seepex, Bottrop
Monitoring of vibrations in an existing office building. Prognosis of vibrations for the planning of an extension of the building.
Projects in 2010
Siemens AG
Development of a positioning concept for pick-and-place machines, types SX1/2 and SX4.
Spenner Zement
Examination of structural dynamics and modal analysis of an rotary kiln foundation and an attached service building. Development of reconstruction measures for a reduction of the vibrations due to kiln rotation.
Extension of pick-and-place location, Salzgitter
Dynamic evaluation of ambient and installation conditions for production lines of pick-and-place devices in an upper floor of the building.
BHR Hochdruck Rohrleitungsbau (Construction of high-pressure pipes)
Dynamic examination of a double-flame-tube boiler and its exhaust system.
Luhn und Pulvermacher Federnwerk (Spring fabrication), Hagen (2008–2010)
Detection of vibrations and noise caused by a roll and development of vibration control measures for reduction of the local vibration level.
Projects in 2009
Stute TönCentre
Assessment of a positioning location for an industrial paint mixing device.
ZF-Lenksysteme (steering systems)
Evaluation of foundation vibrations due to the operation of lever press.
OBO Bettermann
Vibration measurement and dynamic design for two press foundations.
Projects in 2008
Endress und Hauser
Investigation of vibrations and appropriate dynamic design of a hall for CNC machines.
Strack Norma
Modal Identification of oscillation of machinery and foundations due to operations of portal milling machines. Modifikation and repairing concept of the isolated foudation.
Hänsel Textil GmbH
Examination of occuring vibrations and noise causing looms. Deduction of adequate emission control concepts.
ESW Elektronik GmbH
Vibration detection and development of structural upgrade concept for hall containing a production line of pick-and-place machines.
B&S Stanztechnik (punching machines)
Prognosis of vibrations for an extension of the existing production area.
Projects in 2007
Rexam (can maker), Ludesch
Reconstruction of machinery foundation for bodymaker machines of a can production line.
Siemens AG Berlin
Evaluation of vibrations affecting pick-and-place machinery.
Schmidt Gesenkschmiede (drop forge), Solingen
Vibration measurement of a strap-lift drop hammer, prognosis and evaluatuion.
Mauser Spritzgussanlage (injection moulding)
Vibration measurements and monitoring.
Measurements of vibrations due to milling machines, prognosis and evaluation.
BMW, Düsseldorf branch
Honeywell, Stuttgart
Measurements of vibrations and structure stiffness for an evaluation of structural dynamics of a hall used for semiconductor production.
Bosch, Madrid
Examination of an industrial used hall containing a production line of pick-and-place machinery and development of an upgrade and modification concept.
Blaupunkt, Braga (2005–2007)
Detection of vibrations caused by pick-and-place machinery in a production hall. Design of reconstruction measures for the building.
Kolbenschmidt (2005–2007)
Conceptual dynamic design for a processing centre producing engines. Modification design of the buildings construction for compliance with the standarts.
Projects before 2007
Infracor, Marl (2006)
Investigation of vibrations caused by cooling tower fans.
Kia Motors, Frankfurt (2006)
Detection of vibrations due to milling machines.
Endress + Hauser (2005)
Reconstruction design for a hall used for pick-and-place processing including vibration measurements.
BEG Akademie, Dresden (2005)
Dimesioning of a foundation for a vehicle simulator causing unwanted vibrations of the building.
Schott, Jena (2005)
Evaluation of vibrations due to glass production machinery.
This list of references contains selected projects and is not complete.
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